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Newcastle Baseball

How You Can Help

Newcastle Baseball

Volunteer to help Newcastle Baseball on and off the field!

Be a Coach

Teams can always use coaching help and we need Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches each season. Whether you are a seasoned coach, have no experience or somewhere in-between, you can help at practices or in-game. It's fun! Interested? Read more here and if you have any questions contact our Coach Coordinator.

Team Volunteer

Every team needs parent volunteers. Whether you're coordinating after game snacks, keeping official score or keep players in line on the sidelines  we need your help. Contact your team coach if you are interested in further supporting your child's team.

Join our Board of Directors

The Newcastle Baseball Board of Directors is a volunteer group of parents that want our league to be successful and we donate our time and talents to make it all happen. We also have 'League Volunteer' roles where a parent manages a critical program (such as Picture Day, Concession, Events, etc) without commiting to a full-time Board member role. More detail on Board roles here, and current board members listed here. Email [email protected] for more information.


Become a sponsor of our league. All the money that is donated by sponsors goes into making the Newcastle Baseball  even better for our players and community! Funds help with uniforms, scholarships, equipment, storage and so much more. If you are interested please contact our Sponsor/Fundraising Coordinator.


Turn your Volunteer Hours into Donations Through Corporate Matching Programs

If you work for a company that has a Volunteer Matching Program and you've volunteered your time helping us at Newcastle Baseball, you may be able to get your volunteer hours matched by your company.

We encourage you to designate Newcastle Baseball Club League as a recipient of your volunteer hour donations. Many local employers (Microsoft, Boeing, and many others) will match donations to the receiving organization. Every dollar that you give (including company matching contributions) will go directly toward making your children's experience in NBCL all that it should be: fun, instructive, and safe. Please give generously. Thank you!

Microsoft Employees

If you're a full-time Microsoft employee, Microsoft will match time that you volunteer in the community to eligible organizations at $25 for each hour of volunteer work. For more information, Microsoft employees should click on the Microsoft Volunteer Time website.

Boeing Employees

If you're a full-time Boeing employee, Boeing will match time that you volunteer in the community to eligible organizations at $10 for each hour of volunteer work.

Newcastle Baseball

6947 Coal Creek Parkway SE #211 
Newcastle, Washington 98059
Email : [email protected]
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